Your November Lake Martin Home Checklist

November brings in cooler weather in the Lake Martin Area, so it's the perfect time for you to check some things off your To-Do list. Don't have a Fall To-Do list? Here's a list for you to get started!

() Put up backyard bird feeders. Once freezing temperatures set in, hang suet blocks. 

() Set up a squirrel feeding station. These will deter those pesky rodents from raiding your bird feeders. 

() Buy a table runner, place mats, and nice linen napkins that match. Tis the season for entertaining!

() Add weather-stripping around drafty windows and doors. 

() Clean your eaves troughs and downspouts; wait until all the leaves have fallen, first!

() Decorate your mantel. Choose reflective, pre-holiday accents like mercury glass accessories, mirrored frames and silver pieces. Add a pair of tiny evergreens or cut branches in vases. 

() Clean out your medicine cabinet, bathroom and vanity drawers.

Doing these little things this month will surely leave you feeling fulfilled this holiday season!

Feeling cramped in your current home? Start your searching for your new Lake Martin Area home today! It's not too late. You can be in your new home by Christmas!

Check out these homes under $150k!

Check out these homes under $250k!
